Behind The Scenes - "A Little Strange"

Hello people of the Interwebs. As promised, here are some behind the scene images of my Upload Outreach Program Video, “A Little Strange”. Here are some fun production facts. From start to finish, it roughly took about five days to complete. The video was filmed with the Blackmagic Cinema Camera and the SLR 12mm wide-angle lens. I also rented a Zoom H4n for a day to record a few ambient sounds for the background. All the voice audio was recorded with my Rode SmartLav and iPhone. The film was cut in Premiere Pro, the effects and color grading was done in After Effects, and the audio was done in Audition. Unfortunately, do to the lack of time the video had to be filmed the Sat before the due date. The only real issue with that day was it was extremely hot! The film was shot primarily on sticks (tripod) since there was only a two-person crew. Any time I wasn't in the scene (which wasn't that many) I was behind the camera framing the shot.  My buddy Faye framed all shots where I was in the scene. The only shot that was filmed without sticks was the first shot of the character walking down the hall. That shot was filmed handheld. That's it for now, enjoy and see you in the next post!

As you can tell it was so hot that I was extremely parched!

As you can tell it was so hot that I was extremely parched!

Trying to position the battery so it wouldn't get in the way. 

Trying to position the battery so it wouldn't get in the way. 

BMCC MFT and the external battery setup. 

BMCC MFT and the external battery setup. 

My Buddy doing her zombie look even tho this is not a zombie film. ha ha ha

My Buddy doing her zombie look even tho this is not a zombie film. ha ha ha



Full Division tactical gear

Full Division tactical gear